Monday 20 January 2014

Question 4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience is mainly male orientated, who are in the age range of between 15 and 21. This is because the characters in the film are roughly in the same age group at the begginig so they can relate to the film but also because its an action film it appeals more to teenage boys then any other age range group.

They will be interested in sport so the whole boxing action genre will appeal to their sporty views which will attract them into watching the film. But it can also relate to older people and a female audience because there is a lot of drama and emotional scenes which will relate to this type of audience.

Looking into similar types of films that relate to the same target audience (Warrior, Rocky), both these films relate to ours and the target audiences because they both have the actions scenes needed to relate to the younger generations such as teens to keep them interested in the film. but also both have the drama side which draws in older people and the female audience who like a bit of drama in their film. This helped us understand how to relate to our target audience because we understood that the openingt had to have some action in but also it had to get across the emotional storyline which helped us increase the size of our target audience.

After our first draft of the film we had a mixed response on if the target audience was clear because some people found it clear where as others didn't find it so clear, to fix this issue raised we decided to add more hints about what the film was about such as the boxing gloves being a main prop in certain shots this allowed us to relate to our main target audience because they will know it is a boxing film and will draw them into the film.

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