Wednesday 15 January 2014

Question 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents teenagers, poor people and rich people. Teenagers are represented through the two main characters because of their age. They are both 17 years old.

 Poor people are represented though Jack’s character, because of the way he is presented in the film, such as sleeping on the floor in a park, poor clothing and no home.

Rich people are represented through Ben’s character, because of the way he is presented. For example, he lives in a nice house, he eats at a table with food made for him and he owns his own gym equipment.

Their characters also represent the differences in popularity and emotion. In the film, Ben is shown being happy and content, and meets some friends; whereas Jack is sad, on his own, and gets chased by a gang of boys.

Jack’s character’s background is presented as a rough upbringing in the opening scene, and represents the lower class; Ben’s character’s background is presented as an easy upbringing. He represents the upper class.

The overall representation is the contrast between the two characters, which is shown through their personal presentation, and how different their lives are to each other.   

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