Sunday 3 November 2013

Student video evaluations

Fug Lyfe How clear was the genre?  The genre wasn't clear, to me it was a comedy/ gangster drama.
How was the use of camera shots? The camera shots were steady and clear.

Use of editing? Good editing.
How was the continuity? It was a ideal running time.
Was the brief met? Its hard to tell if the brief was met because the genre was unclear.

Overall success of video: 8/10 
Celestial How clear was the genre? It was very clear that the genre was a horror.
How was the use of camera shots? Great range of camera shots, they were steady and clear.
Use of editing? Great editing, but the footage at the beginning wasn't theirs.
How was the continuity? It was a good duration time, not too long, not too short.

Was the brief met? Yes, it was very successful.
Overall success of video: 9/10 
CheaterHow clear was the genre? The comedy part was clear, but the romance part could've been a bit clearer.;
How was the use of camera shots? Good shots, although some were unsteady.
Use of editing? The slow motion editing was effective and funny, generally good editing.
How was the continuity? It was a decent duration.
Was the brief met? Partly, only really the comedy parts though, however there was some romance.

Overall success of video: 7/10
Found (my group)
How clear was the genre?
The genre could've been clearer in my opinion.
How was the use of camera shots?  The shots were generally good.
Use of editing? It was cut together nicely and I like the text at the beginning which explains the story.

How was the continuity? It was an ideal duration time.
Was the brief met? It was a bit confusing to the peers.
Overall success of video: 6/10
Time Out
How clear was the genre?
It was clearly a musical, but was also quite humorous.

How was the use of camera shots? The shots were clear and steady.
Use of editing? It was cut together nicely and the lip syncing was accurate.
How was the continuity? It was a good running time.
Was the brief met? Yes, they included singing and dancing which is ideal for their genre.

Overall success of video: 8/10
Candy man
How clear was the genre?
The genre wasn't very clear, was it a drama or comedy?

How was the use of camera shots? Good shots.
Use of editing? Good editing, but some background sound needs to be edited out.

How was the continuity? It was a good running time.
Was the brief met? Hard to tell, because the genre wasn't clear.
Overall success of video: 8/10
The EncounterHow clear was the genre? The genre was quite easy to understand, but would help if it was a bit clearer. 
How was the use of camera shots? The shots were steady and clear.
Use of editing? The sound effects and cutting of the shots were good.
How was the continuity? It was a bit short, making it a bit longer would improve it.
Was the brief met? Yes, but it needs some improvements.

Overall success of video: 6/10
What's in the Woods? How clear was the genre? It was partly clear, clearer conventions would help.
How was the use of camera shots? There clear steady camera shots used, except for the end one that was for effect.
Use of editing? I personally didn't like the editing, but it was okay for a fantasy genre.
How was the continuity? It was ideal.
Was the brief met? Yes, they used fantasy like features, such as the penguin in the woods.
Overall success of video: 6/10

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