Thursday 24 October 2013

Juno task

We received good evaluation feedback from our peers. They said we had good, steady camera shots and good transitions, the lighting was good and it was great for our first attempt with camera work. We received 8/10.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

AS film opening reveiw: Silent Water

Things that worked well:
  • The story line was creative and myserious.
  • The acting was done well.
  • Match on action music.
  • Good sound effects, laughing, water, news report voice over etc.
  • Various different camera shots, good use of panning etc.
  • Mise En scene was thought out well.

Things that could be improved:
  • Titles coluld be less simple and dull.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Film pitch

This task involved us being given a genre, target audience, planning out a ideal film idea, and then presenting it to the class. We were given an action film for women, so we created St. Minions- a spin of from St. Trinians. We chose this idea because the original film was a sucsess for this specific target audience and genre.

Overall, our presentation had good feedback from our peers. They thought our idea was creative and fun. The majority of people said they would buy the film rights, and thought the choice of cast was interesting.

Franklin Productions

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Magazine Cover (image) analysis

This cover of vogue magazine shows Gwen Stefani in the middle of the page sitting playfully on top of a piano. This specific use of props shows her passion and profession of music. She has been dressed in simple, dark clothes and a large sun hat which act as a border around her body, this draws attention to her glamorous, gold sequin shirt and her face. The text is positioned around her body so it is readable, but doesn't cover her. The typography is simple and bold. White has been used to harmoniously work with the other colours within the picture. The background colour is smooth and plain to keep all attention and focus on the main parts of the cover: Gwen and the text. Her name and the year are written larger then the other pieces of text, this is because they both explain how recent and up to date the magazine is, and who the magazine will consist of.  




Close- up

Medium shot

Long shot

Medium long shot
Extreme close up

Extreme wide shot

Birds eye
High (camera low looking up)- 1:33
Level- 0:10
Low (camera high looking down)- 1:41
Worms eye- 0:30

Tilt up 0:42
Tilt down 0:29
Pan right 0:50
Pan left- 1:09
Zoom- 0:42
Stedi cam
Static- still

In this scene they have used a variety of different angle shots and movements. The scene is very action packed and is full of suspense. The different shots and movements change vastly from one to another, to emphasise and enhance the chase between the two characters.

Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene
- A French term meaning what is put into a scene.

5 elements of Mise En Scene

-Setting props
- Costume, hair & makeup
- Facial expressions & body language
- Lighting & colour
- Positioning of characters/ objects

This is a scene from one of the 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' films.

Setting props
It is set in a rain forest/ jungle area. He is surrounded by tribal, voodoo looking props, the film is based in the 1600's, so this is what tribal environments would've been like back then.
Costume, hair & makeup
Jack is dressed in his usual everyday clothing, but is wearing a surreal headdress and face paint. This is because in the film he has adapted the tribal life style.
Facial expressions & body language
His face expression is very smug, and his body language is laid back and confident. He is presented as king like due to these features.
Positioning of characters/ objects
Jack is positioned in the middle to show inferiority and power. The two men beside him are presented as if they are his protectors and slaves. The props are placed around Jack to show his importance, and his possession of the items.
Lighting & colour
It appears to be very bright, so it must be set either morning time or midday. The colours in the scene are very dull, but this is because of the natural environment they are in, and most of the items are natural forms such as leaves, skulls, trees etc.



The Male Gaze- Laura Mulvey
The audience is forced into looking at women as sex objects through the eyes of a man.

The Bechdal Test
A simple test which involves the following criteria:
1. It has to have at least two women in it.
2. They have to be having a conversation with each other.
3. They have to be talking about something other than men.

Mythology- Roland Barthes
When places are represented as fairy tale like. This  is when locations gives off the impression that somewhere is a lot nicer looking and fantasy like than it really is.

Stereotyping- Richard Dyer
Dyer argues that the way we are seen and presented determines on how people treat each other.


The film 'Mean Girls' is a perfect example of Dyer's theory of stereotyping. Throughout the film it portrays your typical American high school situations and students. The film involves the different individuals in a high school (cliques), popularity, a girl fight over a boy, sabotage and revenge. All of which, are your usual, stereotypical expectations for a teenage girl based audience. Each situation in the film is relatable for the audience, although a lot of it is emphasised and exaggerated to make it more appealing, exiting and action packed.